Gdansk and Wroclaw – Cities of Poles and Germans
6th Polish-German Culture Days 2018 in Dresden
From 27 September 20218, the museum in Dresden presented the exhibitions »Peace Churches in Silesia« and »Jewish Cemeteries in the Central European Cultural Area 2004-2018« as well as the photo exhibition »Polish Summer« by Tomasz Lewandowski. The film series »Homage to Günter Grass«, readings by Stefan Chwin from »Ein Deutsches Tagebuch« and Renate Schmidgall from »Silberregen – Danziger Erzählungen« by Paweł Huelle, as well as concerts by the »Sound Factory Orchestra« conducted by Robert Kurdybacha, the Wrocław Music Academy and Bente Kahan were among the other highlights of the programme.

Wrocław – European Capital of Culture 2016, our twin city
5th Polish-German Cultural Days 2016 in Dresden
In 2016, the motto of the series of events was Wrocław – European Capital of Culture 2016: Our twin city. The patrons were the Lord Mayor of the state capital Dresden, Dirk Hilbert, and the Mayor of Wrocław, Dr Rafał Dutkiewicz. The opening event was accompanied by a musical performance by the Wrocław music group »Me Myself And I«. As part of the series of events, the special exhibition »In search of a new identity. Wrocław in the post-war period« was opened at the Kraszewski Museum together with the Wrocław City Museum. The concert by the German-Polish group »The Polish Connection« at the Tonne jazz club was a great success. The film presentations »Marcel Reich-Ranicki: My Life«, »For Being Alive - Punk from Wroclaw« and »Borderland a Journey« were also very well received by the audience. Lectures on the revitalisation of Wrocław and the history of the Wrocław avant-garde, an art history tour through the city of a hundred bridges, the excellent discussion with Wrocław city writer Marko Martin, the author talk and book presentation »Berlin-Breslau. A History of Relations« and, last but not least, the phenomenal guitar concert with Krzysztof Pełech and Robert Horna rounded off the extensive programme.

Ganz nah dran – Polen zu Gast in Dresden
4th Polish-German Culture Days 2014 in Dresden
Concerts with Affabre Concinui, Anita Lipnicka and John Porter, a Polish film night, readings and literary talks, lectures and discussions, an exhibition of works by Roman Lipski, a literary competition and a German-Polish history competition for secondary school pupils from Lower Silesia as well as a Prospero reading night with Magdalena Parys and Lisa Handrik were at the centre of the 2014 Culture Days.

3rd Polish-German Cultural Days in Dresden
Over the course of five days, a total of 15 events took place at seven locations, while the film series »filmPOLSKA« was shown in cooperation with the Polish Institute Leipzig. The series of events was opened by accordion virtuoso Marcin Wyrostek, accompanied by the Tango Corazon Quintet. A second musical highlight was provided by jazz musicians Henryk Miśkiewicz and Robert Majewski. Other project days included a theatre workshop, a book presentation, a theatre performance, film screenings at Programmkino Ost and Thalia Kino, a panel discussion, guided tours of the special exhibition »Across Borders« at the Kraszewski Museum and a live show with cabaret artist Steffen Möller.

Polish Cultural Days
2nd Polish-German Culture Days 2010 in Dresden
The 2nd Polish-German Culture Days took place in Dresden from 15 to 19 September 2010. After a promising start in 2009, the Kraszewski Museum once again presented Polish culture in Dresden. A total of 15 events took place over four days, including concerts with Urszula Dudziak, Mika Urbaniak, pantomime with Ireneusz Krosny, a workshop on intercultural aspects of German-Polish economic cooperation, film screenings, scenic readings and the city tours »In Polish Traces«.

Discover Poland
1st Polish-German Culture Days 2009 in Dresden
Discover Poland ... this was the motto of the first Polish-German Culture Days in Dresden from 16 to 20 September 2009. The aim of the event was to convey an authentic image of modern Poland. The focus was on art and culture, education and business. The event offered visitors a wide range of opportunities to experience the young, flourishing Poland at first hand.